Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Winter-Home First Impressions

Wow! Winter-Home is awesome! I am loving all the stuff you can do there. I really love the theater. My first time in there, I got cast as Gandalf and got some rotten fruit thrown at me. I blame my timing. Helping out the beggars really set my heart all aglow for some reason. I'm not sure why. Maybe it was their text box reactions. Makes me want to get enough money to do that for real life beggars.

Still haven't figured out the whole screenshot thing yet. That will change today, though.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Skirmishes: A few pointers

Yesterday evening I ran Seige of Gondamon solo for the first time. It was also my first skirmish since the skirmish tutorial. Here are a few things I learned while doing this.

1. Know which direction is which. That mini-map in the top-right corner of the screen ain't just there for decoration.
2. When running a skirmish for the first time, do the lowest allowable level first, then work your way up the difficulty scale. I learned this one the hard way.
3. Keep an eye on who you're fighting with, not just you and your soldier. This is especially true if you are a minstrel.
4. Use the breaks between assaults to heal up, buff up, and generally prepare for the next wave.

I didn't know this, but you can name your skirmish soldier. I named mine Gerald during one of the breaks. Don't know why I chose Gerald, if just sort of popped up in my head first.

Also, you'll have to forgive the lack of screenshots for the time being. I'm still trying to figure out how to take them.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

In which I do my first Great Barrow run with my kin.

Wow. That was intense! I got killed several times(and I was the main healer for the majority of the run), but I learned a lot.

So our kin has this event every Sunday evening where kin members group up and tackle various instances. Usually I'm at church during this time(a cold kept me home), however,  today there just so happened to be enough level 20-somethings to do a run in Othrongroth. Seeing as it was my first time ever grouping in an instance, I was expecting a bit of difficulty from the get-go, but hoo-boy did I not realize how difficult.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

It begins. Kind of.

So, apparently blogging is very big in the LOTRO community. Heck, the community site has it's own blogging feature for each account. But apparently that has a lot of hiccups or something. In any case, I decided that it was high time for me to get on the LOTRO blogging bandwagon.

I'd tell you about the player behind it all, but that rather defeats the purpose about this being about LOTRO. Besides, that's what my LiveJournal is for. Suffice it to say that I absolutely love Tolkien's mythos. I also love anime and manga, JRPG's, J-Pop, and other stuff from Japan. So it was kind of natural to call myself TolkienOtaku ("otaku" being Japanese for "geek").

As for my LOTRO info, my main is a female elf minstrel named Hanniel on the Landroval server who just today reached level 22. I do have an alt on Crickhollow that I only got to level 6 before switching over to Landroval. Heck, I'm not much of an alt person, to be quite honest, though that may change should I want to participate in Blogmoots(in-game meetings of LOTRO bloggers). My main's kinship is The Lonely Mountain Band, and I just today bought a house in-game.

So keep an eye on this blog for updates on my journey through LOTRO. I've got a feeling that this is going to be fun.