Sunday, December 5, 2010

In which I do my first Great Barrow run with my kin.

Wow. That was intense! I got killed several times(and I was the main healer for the majority of the run), but I learned a lot.

So our kin has this event every Sunday evening where kin members group up and tackle various instances. Usually I'm at church during this time(a cold kept me home), however,  today there just so happened to be enough level 20-somethings to do a run in Othrongroth. Seeing as it was my first time ever grouping in an instance, I was expecting a bit of difficulty from the get-go, but hoo-boy did I not realize how difficult.

Here's a few of the many things I learned in my first GB run.
1. Protect the healer at all costs.
2. An experienced healer is a godsend.
3. When poisonous gas comes your way, get out of there. It'll kill ya like that.
4. Stick together. You are better off in a group then going it alone.
5. If you are going to do an instance, try to make sure that nothing will distract you while you do it. The majority of the time I couldn't stop thinking about going to the bathroom.
6. If you want to get back into an instance after repairs and you are in a housing area, get out of the housing area first, then travel to the instance. I learned that the hard way.

Overall, the experience was difficult, but still enjoyable.

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